Treasure • Dog

14th September 2006 / 28th November 2022



I am known by many names, but you may call me ... Celtic Spirit • First

Many years ago he was introduced as "Trésor". Sounds like "treZor" and from french translates to: "treasure". Many of our wetlands brethren, could not pronounce it properly. Finally, I gave up explaining and just started to give the translation. And so, he became "Treasure".

Also, I did not remember all of the dog's names which came over to say hello.To greet them I've used names like "Sunshine", "Princess", "Precious", etc., sometimes not from first name either. Different owners would pick up on my "triple talk" differently and some got confused e.g., owners of recently deceased Charlie aka "Sunshine" were convinced that Treasure's name was "Sunshine" which is fair enough I suppose. Others that could not remember whether it was "Precious" or "Treasure" started combining them as in "Precious Treasure".

I, to get his attention or to chide him, called out "Trez" on more than one occasion. And of course all variations on the theme of Sweetie-Pie.

In the end it turned out that his breeder-given name was "Celtic Spirit I". We always suspected he was at the very least an enchanted prince; but Celtic Spirit sounds right too.

Strong, Brave & Territorial

For his size he was unusually strong. We did a lot of walking and his body to touch felt like pure muscle. I imagine without hair he would look like a very long jack russel. Also, the structure of his paws were elongated and pointy. When he really wanted to go somewhere, his paws would almost dig into asphalt and you could not budge him. I'd wrap a lead around mam's wheelchair handle and he would be able to shift it.

Once Treasure got into an argument with a neighbour husky. During barking prelude somehow the lead got wrapped around my leg and when Treasure pounced I ended up on the ground. He had enough strength to drag me to the ground and turn my body around.

This strength probably helped him to hold out for so long. Only in his last 10 or 11 days that he started to slouch on his front legs.

It's normal for a dog to be territorial and Treasure was very normal in that sense.

Treasure hated anyone to be going through the garden: dogs, cats, postmen any other strangers. Although, his territory seemed extend to gardens of neighbouring dogs as well as some bushes/posts at the lake. Most he recognised as communal but occasionally we had to go back a few times to mark. Also, if some dog which "was not allowed" peed there did so. Treasure, at their next meeting, would let his feelings be known.

Border collies, huskies, jack russels were enemies comparable to cats. There were a few jack russels which if did not win his affection at least did not cause him to throw a fit of rage. That said, he was friendly with most dogs. Some friendlier than others like he could wait or even go back to say hello. Sniff around, tail up slightly wagging like a big white fan. Overall giving a sense of polite conversation. He was particularly friendly with a girl Maia, he'd try to hump her whenever, wherever. Did not matter whether she's in heat or not - oldie acted like a total floozy too. He was 15 at the time so that behaviour was not working out as intended.

Treasure passionately hated cats and would have a total fit when he'd see them. If he is carried at the time or is picked up to calm him down he would turn into this trembling, wriggling mass of muscle. His legs would stick out hard with paws wide open like lemur's or monkey's hands. Itching to have a go. Particularly our neighbour's cat walking by the window.

Once, there was a kitten sitting under a car. Treasure spotted it and immediately rushed forward. Barking and growling, and really making an effort to get under the car. The kitten emitted a sad, barely audible "meow", and without losing a beat Treasure darted in the opposite direction. Very brave.

On Wetlands some woman was walking a cat on a leash, heading right for us. I was waiting to see what was going to happen. Cat approached us, Treasure's tail went up and he looked like he was going to pounce. The cat lay on her back and moved paws to Treasure's face and started touching his face. Oh dear he looked so confused as his brain was rebooting. I picked him up and carried away. It took him quite a while to get over it. Probably was walking around the rest of the day thinking if he dreamt it.

Completely ignored birds. Never chased them. Swans generally were a source of confusion for him. From a distance they look like white dogs. Often we had to go all the way to the other side of the lake to say hello only to be disappointed. Only once he acknowledged a swan's presence when it hissed at him. Also, once we said hello to a hedgehog and another time Treasure got all excited when he saw a lot of rabbits running around (probably thought they were cats). Unfortunately he also ignored mice.

On one of our trips we visited Ard na Sidhe. We left mam at the cafe and went down to the lake. It was a narrow path with low hanging branches. Treasure was sniffing around and a few feet in front of us I saw a field mouse crawling between leaves. I was wondering what Treasure would do, so let him proceed at his own pace. He completely ignored it so much, that on the way over he stepped right on it. The mouse froze and ,I am guessing, was very surprised.

In another incident he was "keeping vigil" by the garden door. His eyes were wide open. He sometimes slept with open eyes but this time he was definitely awake. A mouse sauntered into the house right by his nose; he did not even blink.